"Sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts. Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope, but do it with gentleness and reverence, keeping your conscience clear"
~1 Peter 3:15-16
This is a weekly classroom-style religious education designed to follow the 9:30 am Sunday Mass so families can attend Mass together and then elementary-age students can attend Faith Formation sessions immediately after it. This year we will continue using St Mary’s Press Discover! Finding Faith in Life, weekly lesson plans. One of the best things about this program is The Catholic Children’s Bible, which each student will receive. This Scripture text is translated into kid-friendly terms and accented with pictures and descriptions that bring to life the relevant Bible stories each week.
This class is designed for students entering the 2nd grade to prepare for their First Holy Communion which will take place in the spring and First Reconciliation, which typically takes place in January. Classes are held on either Sunday (10:30-11:45 am) or Wednesday (5:30-6:30 pm).
Designed for students entering into the 3rd, 4th or 5th grades to prepare for their First Holy Communion, which will take place at the end of the academic year, and first reconciliation, which typically takes place in January. Throughout the year, they will work through the SIGNS OF GRACE: You are Forgiven and You are Loved Books aided by the video components created to go with the books.
This year we are continuing a hybrid model of faith formation for 6th &7th Graders which blends both the educational classroom methods with interactive and relationship-building youth group methods. We will be following the Encounter curriculum with the middle school students as it provides a safe fun place for youth to find a solid Catholic community, to get answers to their questions about faith, and, most importantly, to experience Jesus in a profound and personal way. Sessions will be held on Sunday mornings 10:30am - 11:45am
This program is designed for students who are in 8th -12th grade. Like all Sacraments, there is not a correct age or time to receive a Sacrament but there is some preparation that needs to complete before taking on the responsibility that comes with the Sacrament. Here at St. Patrick’s, we do require students to be at least in the 8th grade before they begin preparing for Confirmation but the program is open to anyone in the 8th – 12th grades. Chosen: Your Journey Toward Confirmation takes young people on a journey through the entire Catholic faith in all its richness and vitality. Teens will be captivated by the story, from Creation all the way through salvation history, and they will come to see how the sacraments, prayer, and discipleship are the keys to a happy life. Sessions will be held on Monday evenings from 6:45-8:15 pm
Faith Formation Registration is currently open for 2024/25 year.
Contact Faith Formation
Baptism Preparation
If you are expecting, have recently given birth, or received a new child into your family, Congratulations!!
Baptism is the door to spiritual life!
*If this is your first child, you will need to schedule a parent preparation session.
For all scheduling, email Julie Carter or call (561) 626-8626
Blessed: First Holy Communion Preparation
Preparation for First Holy Communion at St Patrick’s typically begins in the 1st Grade and concludes in May of the 2nd Grade after two academic years of preparation. If you or your child do not fit into this description please contact Miss Meagan to arrange their preparation. These Sacraments mark two very important steps a child’s faith journey. The Sacrament of Reconciliation gives us the opportunity to experience the great love and mercy of God by assuring us of the forgiveness of Jesus. In Holy Communion, Jesus Himself comes to us. He is present in body, blood, soul and divinity under the appearance of bread and wine! In this great Sacrament we experience union with God and with our brothers and sisters more closely than anywhere else on earth.
CHOSEN: Confirmation Preparation
This program is designed for students who are in 8th -12th grade. Like all Sacraments, there is not a correct age or time to receive a Sacrament but there is some preparation that needs to complete before taking on the responsibility that comes with the Sacrament. Here at St. Patrick’s, we do require students to be at least in the 8th grade before they begin preparing for Confirmation but the program is open to anyone in the 8th – 12th grades. Chosen: Your Journey Toward Confirmation takes young people on a journey through the entire Catholic faith in all its richness and vitality. Teens will be captivated by the story, from Creation all the way through salvation history, and they will come to see how the sacraments, prayer, and discipleship are the keys to a happy life.