Preparation for First Holy Communion at St Patrick’s typically begins in the 1st Grade and concludes in May of the 2nd Grade after two academic years of preparation. If you or your child do not fit into this description please contact our Faith Formation team to arrange their preparation. In Holy Communion, Jesus Himself comes to us. He is present body, blood, soul and divinity under the appearance of bread and wine! In this great Sacrament we experience union with God and with our brothers and sisters more closely than anywhere else on earth.
Classes begin in September and finish in May. You can choose from two class times:
Sunday Mornings (10:30am - 11:45am) or Wednesday Evenings (5:30pm - 6:30pm).
For more information, Click HERE
To Register,
Click HERE
Faith Formation Curriculum:
We are excited to be using Dynamic Catholic’s Blessed: First Reconciliation and First Communion preparation program. Every child deserves an unforgettable First Communion and First Reconciliation experience. Each class session brings the faith to life in a way no other sacramental prep program has ever done before and inspires children to be lifelong Catholics. For more information about First Reconciliation please click here.
If you are from All Saints or Rosarian Academy and have not contacted Stephanie please contact her at