Welcome to our Faith Formation Family!
We are excited to have you a part of our community.
Our Faith Formation program has a $150 registration fee per family. Additional fees are required for students in their sacramental preparation for First Holy Communion ($50) and the Sacrament of Confirmation ($150).
Step One
In order to register for our Faith Formation program, you must have a REALM account with St. Patrick’s that is active and up to date. If you already have a REALM account, you can move on to Step 2. If you do not currently have St. Patrick’s REALM account, click the box below to sign up to become members of our parish. Once you complete this step, you may move on to Step 2 to register for our Faith Formation Program.
Step Two
Faith Formation Registration. Only complete this step if you have a current REALM account with St. Patrick’s.
Please contact Faith Formation in the main office at 561-626-8626 or EMAIL: faithformation@stpatrickchurch.org
Middle School Encounter is a hybrid youth group/religious education session that meets weekly on Sundays 10:30-11:45 am for students in the 6th and 7th grades