Weddings may be scheduled year-around, except for Sundays. Saturday weddings can be scheduled between 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. and at 6:00 p.m. from May 1st through November 30th. Weddings may also be scheduled on weekdays. With respect to all who make use of St. Patrick and our facilities, we kindly ask that your wedding begins and ends on time, especially with our 1:00 p.m. Saturday weddings. This helps facilitate a smooth transition before the
4:00 p.m. Mass. If your Mass begins more than 10 minutes past the scheduled start time the Offertory and Communion will be eliminated and a Ceremony outside the Mass will be celebrated.
In order that you may receive the date and time you wish for your wedding, please call the parish office for an appointment with our representative for your initial interview as soon as you decide to marry.
If baptized, an updated copy of your baptismal certificate will be needed within the last six months. Widows and widowers must present a Death Certificate for their previous spouse. If you have had a previous marriage annulled, you must present the Declaration of Nullity. A Marriage License is an absolute requirement for marriage in the State of Florida. For information on this, please contact the Clerk of Palm Beach County at (561) 624-6500. The priest performing your wedding will meet with you at least two months prior to the wedding ceremony to help you complete required paperwork and to discuss your ceremony with you.
This is a one-day program sponsored by the Diocese of Palm Beach.
The program is held on Saturday’s about once a month at various locations around the diocese, usually from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Classes fill up quickly, so register early to obtain your choice of date. It is best to attend a workshop as early in your preparation as possible but no later than 3 months prior to the wedding date.
FOCCUS (Facilitating Open Couple Communication,
Understanding & Study) is a survey that you will be asked to share. FOCCUS is an aid for your marriage preparation.
It can help you study, understand and communicate openly about many things that are important to your relationship. It is not a test or a way to predict the future. It is designed to help you target the topics you need and want to talk about as a couple.
You will be assigned a FOCCUS couple who will contact you at least six months prior to your expected wedding date. Your FOCCUS preparations should be completed at least three months prior to your wedding date.
The wedding coordinator assisting you will suggest a time for the rehearsal. The wedding party and all who participate in the ceremony are to attend. Please remember that your marriage license as well as the script from Together for Life must be taken care of at this time, if not done so previously. Your assigned coordinator will be at the rehearsal to efficiently facilitate and answer any non-clerical questions you may have.
We kindly suggest that the Ring Bearer/Flower Girl be over the age of 4, if they are younger please notify the wedding Coordinator ahead of time.
Flowers in the church are the responsibility of the couple. An arrangement placed in front of the altar is appropriate. If there is a wish for additional flowers, an arrangement can be placed in front of the pulpit, as well as on either side of the altar. Flowers, ribbons & candles are not to be taped, glued, puttied, wired or stapled to the pews. Please use only rubber bands or a cloth tie. All questions regarding flowers and other floral arrangements should be directed to the coordinator assisting you with your preparations.
The cost of the church for non–parishioner is $2000.00. For registered Parishioners (of six months or greater) the fee is $1000.00. A deposit of $100.00 is required to hold your selected date. This fee is non-refundable if your wedding is canceled less than 6 months prior. This offering provides for the use of the church, it’s maintenance staff, and the stipend for the celebrant. We ask that this be paid to the office at least four months in advance. If you are experiencing financial hardship, please discuss this with the priest who is assisting you. If you would like to use a visiting priest, you will need to receive permission from Fr. Lacy. Also, you will be responsible for paying the stipend of any visiting priests.
Music is an integral part of your ceremony. Musicians serving at your wedding are from the St. Patrick Music Ministry. The church employs a professional organist and maintains a roster of professional singers. Therefore, outside musicians are not permitted to perform during weddings without the express permission of the Music Director. Outside soloists/musicians may be used only with the permission of the Music Director; bench fees, hiring fees and rehearsal fees will be applied in these exceptional situations. The fee for organist and cantor is $650, payable to St. Patrick Church. The hiring and rehearsal of any additional, approved instrumentalists (brass, strings, harp, etc.) are at the expense of the couple and are not included in this fee. The number of musical selections at your wedding will be determined by the type of ceremony you have planned. A Nuptial Mass is a Solemn Mass that includes Communion and may be celebrated only if both bride and groom are Roman Catholic.
If you elect to have music for your wedding, please contact William Stafford, Director of Music at (561) 626-8626, or at
Without exception, there are to be no alcoholic beverages brought onto church property. Also, please inform your friends that there is to be no throwing of rice, flower petals, birdseed, confetti, bubbles, glitter, etc., on church property. A runner is not allowed on the center aisle of the church. Our floor is Italian marble; runners can be slippery, thus becoming a safety hazard. Items such as flower petals and confetti can stain and damage the marble and also pose a safety hazard. The elements of the ceremony should be discussed with the priest assisting you well in advance of the rehearsal date. A bridal room is available for the bride and her attendants.
We ask that after the ceremony is complete you be sure to remove all pins/needles, as they can be dangerous if left in the carpet. The groom and his groomsmen use the Chapel sacristy. No one is permitted in the priest’s main sacristy of the Altar Server room. No candle-lit services are allowed, and we request that there be no receiving line after the ceremony. Please remember to respect the Blessed Sacrament when entering the church. We gently remind you that this is a house of worship, so proper dignity and reverence is expected while in the church and on church grounds. This applies especially to your post-ceremony photography, when our parishioners often pray silently before Mass. Thank you for being mindful of others on your special day. We look forward to sharing your special day with you.