The Prayer Shawl Ministry
Meets every Monday (except holidays) from 1-3pm
in the Parish Hall (upstairs) .
We hand-knit and crochet shawls, lap blankets, and baby blankets. All are blessed and distributed to critically ill people at local hospitals, and to St. Patrick’s parishioners. Please contact the church office if you know of someone who could be comforted by receiving a blessed shawl or blanket. The ministry continues to be grateful for any monetary and/or yarn donations. New members are always welcome. If you cannot attend our meetings, but would like to work from home, the finished items can be dropped off at the parish office.
Dimension guidelines are: shawls 60”x20”, lap blankets 38”x38”, baby blankets 30”x30”. Acrylic yarn is preferable as it is machine washable. For any questions, please email Aneta Huber at: