What is Confirmation?


Attendance Policy

Each student is allowed three absences during the year. Students may use these absences for illness or family unexpected events.  After these three absences, additional absences will not be accepted so please plan accordingly. 

Weekend Retreat

This year we will have a full weekend retreat.  

November 15 - 16: Confirmation Retreat 

More info to come. 

Saint Bio

Please write a 350-word Biography on the Saint you would like to choose as your Confirmation name. Please include biographical data along with a brief explanation as to why you choose this saint.

During the Catholic sacrament of Confirmation, God the Holy Spirit comes upon the candidate to bestow numerous spiritual gifts and “confirm” the faith given you in Baptism when Original Sin was wiped away. Before Confirmation, the candidate chooses a saint whose name they want to take. This new name, imposed by the bishop during Confirmation, becomes a part of the candidate’s full name. It comes after their first and middle names and before their last name. Here is a step-by-step process you may find helpful in choosing a Saint Name.

Find a list of canonized saints in the Roman Catholic Church by reading a book or doing online research. Saints are people who have lived holy lives and are now in heaven as members of the Church Triumphant. Their life stories provide examples for others on how to overcome spiritual obstacles on Earth.

Pray to the Holy Spirit, and ask Him for help in finding a saint whose life you’d like to imitate. This saint will be bonded with you spiritually, and in essence, becomes your heavenly patron who intercedes for you before God.  Think about the specific virtues those saints exhibited, such as patience, perfection, diligence, humility, mortification, meekness, obedience, prayer, charity, or simplicity. Find a virtue that connects with you.

Before you are Confirmed, pray to the saint whose name you will be using as your Confirmation name. Ask this saint to intercede for you, to help you make the right moral choices, and overall to be a powerful spiritual guide for the rest of your life.

Service Projects

Sunday October 27th -  Ministry Fair

Saturday December 14th - Breakfast with Santa

Saturday March 8th - Food Packing Event

Sunday March 16th - Church Picnic  

Saturday, April 19th - Easter Egg Hunt

Sponsor Form

All candidates must choose a sponsor who is a Confirmed Practicing Catholic. These sponsors will be required to get a Sponsor Form filled out from their home parish stating they a Confirmed Practicing Catholic.

This should be a person who is willing to present the candidate to the Church and affirm that they are ready for Confirmation.  A sponsor should be someone who is a model and exemplifies the Catholic faith to the candidate. The function of a Sponsor is not a social role of honor given to a relative or family friend simply because they are relatives or friends. It is about the child or adult who is going to receive this once-in-a-lifetime sacrament of the Church. Sacramental Sponsorship implies a knowledgeable understanding of the Catholic Faith, and willingness and intention to help the one being sponsored with their religious training by word, deed, and example.

A Sponsor has three primary roles:

  To assist the candidate in preparing for Confirmation.

  To present the candidate for Confirmation.

  To help the Confirmed person to live out his or her Christian Faith, fully. 

A Sponsor must have the following qualifications:

Canon Law: 873 and 874 summarized, concerning Baptismal and/or Confirmation Sponsors:

He/She must be knowledgeable of the fundamental truths of the Faith and be a Practicing Catholic** who regularly attends Mass on Sundays and Holydays of Obligation and is free to receive the sacraments according to the Church’s tenants.

The Sponsor must themselves have received the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation in the Catholic Church.

He/She may not be the child’s mother or father; or in the case of an adult, the wife or husband of the one to be Baptized or Confirmed.

He/She must be at least 16 years old and have the use of reason.

If he/she has children of their own, they have fulfilled their Catholic parental obligation toward raising them in the Catholic Faith.

He/She must not be bound by any Canonical impediment or penalty legitimately imposed or declared.

Dress Code for Class

Session Attire:

Out of respect for themselves, their peers, and the adult leaders, we are asking that students follow the dress code below (taken from the Palm Beach County School District)

Students' dress should be modest (cleavage and midriffs covered) with no visible undergarments

Shorts, skirts, and dresses must be no shorter than four (4) inches above the knee.

Holes in pants must be at or below the knee only.

Pants/shorts/skirts must be worn at the waist.

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